What calendars does this support?
For now, you can only signup with a Google or Gmail account. Your invites will still work with people that have non-Google accounts.

Do you save my calendar info?
Nope. We take privacy seriously. We only save an account token that Google gives us, and any data we generate on our end, such as meeting links and time slots.

How do I customize the location and description for calendar invites?
In your account page, you can set a default location and a default description for invites that go out. An example default location would be: "Call Tessa @ 212...." You can choose whatever you want to put in the defaults here, you can put in your phone number, Skype, Hangouts link, UberConference, etc. You only have to enter it in once and it will be used for all invites that go out when someone picks a time slot.